Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts
Showing posts with label lifestyle. Show all posts



Since starting university I have written a few blog posts about student life, so I thought I also need to write about it all being over as sad as that is.

I finished university in May but I have only just had my graduation.

If you are reading my blog for the first time, I have been studying Communication and Media at Bournemouth University for the past four years (including a placement year) and have recently graduated!

Girl in graduation cap and gown bournemouth university

About the day

First of all, there was a huge storm a few nights before the big day and we were completely without power the day before and the morning of my graduation. I had to do my hair at my grandma's house before we could make our way down to Bournemouth.

Our ceremony was at 16:30 so my parents and I went for a lovely lunch at Miller and Carter beforehand. Then, I was able to collect my gown and hat, get my professional photography done, and see all my friends.

Bournemouth university graduates in cap and gown

Bournemouth university graduates

It was an emotional day and I'm still not over it. It was amazing being able to attend graduation after the uncertainty of Covid and see my friends graduate too. But, it is so sad thinking that is the last of uni for us.
After the ceremony, where we all walked across the stage and collected our diplomas, there was free fizz and snacks in another room. Did I need the free fizz? Definitely not, but did I enjoy it. Then, my friends and I went out to celebrate.

Onwards and upwards

Since finishing uni, I have been working full-time as a Social Media and Communications Coordinator. Although I am really sad that uni is over, I will look forward to what the future holds and there are lots of positives. One being that with working full-time, I have more money to do fun things that I want to do.

A lot of people have been saying, does this mean you're a real adult now? And I am thinking, no probably not. I don't actually feel much older than I did when I started uni at 18, I am wondering if that will ever change.

Girl in graduation gown with parents

There were a lot of times at uni where I just thought is this even worth it? And there have been times where I didn't want to do it anymore. I'm sure every student has felt this. But now I can say, it was all worth it and I am so glad.

Towards the end of my degree, there were a few times where people made me feel like I was stupid and not clever enough. I don't know why, because I was clearly at university for a reason and I ended up getting better grades than these people anyway. What can I say? Karma is real.

For those of you who have been reading my blogs all the way through uni, thank you! It definitely is the end of an era but now I will cherish the happy memories I had and remember that I overcame the not so happy ones.
I am thinking of writing graduate content too so please let me know if you would like to see this.


We are definitely in the swing of autumn now and a lot of people will be excited about this change, but if you're like me, you might be sad that summer is over.

There are lots of things to enjoy about autumn, nice-smelling candles, Halloween, and the lead-up to Christmas may all get you excited. However, there are natural reasons as to why you may be happier in summer.

Cars and rain drops on camera lens

The sun is great for so many things but it is also good for your mental health. Getting sunlight can increase serotonin levels. Serotonin is a mood stabilising hormone that is often known as the happiness hormone.

Naturally, as we see less sun and sunlight hours in autumn and winter, we are less exposed to the sun. This is one explanation for why you may not be as happy in the colder seasons, and this is completely normal.

Some people have what's known as SAD - Seasonal Affective Disorder, a type of depression that comes and goes in a seasonal pattern. Find out more about symptoms for SAD on the NHS website. 

I am not a mental health professional, but I am going to share some ways to help with beating the post-summer blues that help me. If you think you may have symptoms of depression, please visit your GP.

5 ways to beat the post-summer blues

1. Get out and about

When the weather is rubbish and it's dark, it can make you want to stay inside which is fine. However, knowing what we know about sunlight and serotonin levels, it's important to try and get out in the sun when you can.

Although it is not as warm as before, there is still chance to get out, whether that is for a lunch time walk or a trip to the shops.

Sometimes I find it hard to go out when I really don't want to go, but I usually feel better for doing it.

2. Natural sunlight lamp

One way to treat SAD according to the NHS is to use natural sunlight lamps. These are designed to make your room look like natural sunlight is coming through even when the weather is bad outside or if it's dark. You can purchase these lamps from a range of places including Amazon.

3. Embrace the new season

One of the main reasons I prefer summer is because I seem to like so much more about it than the other seasons. That doesn't mean I hate autumn and winter though. I try to pick out the things I like about the new seasons and focusing on that rather than focusing on why I'm sad that summer is over.

4. Plan things to look forward to

My favourite thing to do is plan things to look forward to, this always helps my mental health. This can even be small things like planning a film to watch after work. This forward-thinking helps to get you away from missing the past activities.

5. Summer can be a state of mind

It may not be summer right now and the weather may not be good enough to do a lot of activities that are usually associated with summer, but that doesn't mean you can't remind yourself of summer.

This could be as simple as using summer-scented candles. One thing that makes me really think of summer is the smell of aftersun. It's a bit weird but sometimes I put it on even in winter just so it can make me feel like I have just been to the beach.
Which season makes you the happiest?



Love or hate Halloween, there are still lots of good films to be watching this season. To be honest, I rarely celebrate Halloween. I know some people will carve pumpkins every single year but I only really celebrated it at uni when there were parties to go to.

Halloween sweets and lollies in a bowl

That's not to say I don't like Halloween, I just don't treat it how I'd treat Christmas, as I love Christmas so much! This year, I'm not really doing anything for Halloween so I will probably be watching some of the films from this list.

I'm also not a massive fan of scary films so I have created a list of non-scary Halloween films for people who maybe don't want to be too scared this Halloween.

Without further ado, here is my ultimate Halloween watch list and where to watch them.

15 non-scary films to watch this Halloween


1. The Addams Family

This is probably the first film I would think of when someone mentions Halloween to me. It's definitely one of my go-to's at this time of year.

2. Corpse Bride

Corpse Bride was one of the films I used to watch over and over as a child. I think that probably says a lot about me.

3. Ghostbusters

Is it even Halloween if you don't hear the song from Ghostbusters everywhere you go?

4. Birdbox

Not technically Halloween-themed but one of the only 'horrors' I can watch because it's a little scary but not too much for me. There are differing opinions on this movie but I really liked the storyline and it kept me on my toes.

5. Midsommar (OK this one is a little scary)

This is probably the scariest film I have seen but that's because I don't watch horrors. It was more weird than anything else but really good and highly rated. I think it was described as a daylight horror because it's not really that scary but a lot of horrible stuff happens.

6. Labyrinth

Not technically Halloween again but David Bowie in this would make a really good costume.


7. Halloweentown

How better to celebrate Halloween than throwing it back to your younger years? I swear this film used to always be on Disney Channel at this time of year.

8. Nightmare before Christmas

One of the better animated Halloween films, if not the best. AND it has Christmas in it as well which is perfect for me.

9. Hocus pocus

When I said The Addams Family was the film I think of when I think of Halloween, this would be the second one.

10. Twitches

Another Disney Channel Halloween film and I used to love Tia and Tamera.

11. The Rocky Horror Picture Show

This is a personal favourite out of this list!

Amazon Prime Video

12. Knives Out

Again, not technically associated with Halloween but it is a great murder mystery story.

13. The Joker

This is in here because is there ever a Halloween party where someone isn't dressed as The Joker? Also, it's a great film.

14. Us

OK, this film was a little scary for me too but the storyline was great and outshined the horror aspect of it.

I wish I could watch all 14 of these films on Halloween but it's not going to be possible, I will give it a good go though I'm sure.
What's your favourite film to watch around Halloween?



Welcome to another post in my The Low Down series, where I give you the low down on important stuff.

When social media first became a thing, it was a great way to keep in touch with friends and family. Over the years, it has developed so much that there are so many different functions and reasons to use social media. I work as a social media coordinator, so I find that I am always using it as I use it for business, but also in my free time.

Iphone with social media apps on screen

Negativity in social media

As we know, as well as being a great marketing tool and a way to keep in touch with friends, or even stay up to date with your favourite celebrities, it can also be a toxic place.

It's so easy to let social media rule your life and compare your life to the perfect lives of others, or compare the way you look to the heavily edited Instagram pictures. We have all looked at pictures and thought I really wish I had their life, right? I get it so bad with travel photos or just any boujee photos in general, I'm like I wish I was doing that right now.

But we need to remember, people only tend to share their best moments on social media. It's so easy to take it as fact and think wow that person's life is so good - why isn't mine like that? The truth is, they are probably only sharing their highlights with you.

Tips for creators

If you are a creator, the best way to exude positivity in your posts is to sometimes be a bit negative - if that makes sense. The more real you are on your platform, the more people are going to relate to you. If you share real-life things that maybe aren't highlights, this will help remind your audience that social media creators are real people.

Related: Toxic positivity: the low down

My favourite creators on Instagram, are the ones who are just honest and real. Or, it's ones who use their platform to try and normalise things that the media usually tries to push out such as larger body types and disabilities.

Tips for social media users

For anyone using social media, even if you are just scrolling, you will need to take care of what you are doing. When you are mindlessly scrolling, you are not in control of what you are taking in. You may not think anything of it, but all that you are taking in while scrolling could subconsciously be damaging.

You need to set boundaries and remember that using social media is ok in moderation. Moderate what you are looking at and try to only look at things that make you happy.

Unfollow Unfollow Unfollow

If there are accounts that make you feel negative, even if they don't mean to, you are within your rights to unfollow these people. For example, if someone is posting positive highlights about their life and it starts making you feel bad about your own life, unfollow.

You don't owe these people, even if you know them personally, you are free to pick and choose who you follow to make using social media a positive experience for you.

Related: My journey to confidence: the low down

What measures do you put into place to ensure you have a better experience on social media?



After waiting a year and three months to go due to the pandemic, I finally went to see 9 to 5 the musical and it definitely did not disappoint.

9 to 5 the musical mayflower southampton

As the show was at The Mayflower in Southampton, we headed over by train and went to a few shops and had some food and drinks before going to the event.

For lunch, we went to Zizzi in West Quay and I had the chorizo carbonara, so nice would definitely recommend! The burrata salad starter was so nice too. I also had the passion fruitini cocktail.

The show started at 2pm so we walked over to The Mayflower after lunch and getting in was super easy there weren't really any queues. There were no empty seats though as so many people must have been waiting to go since 2020 like us.

I had seen 9 to 5 the movie with Dolly Parton, Jane Fonda and Lily Tomlin which I loved, but this was my first time seeing it as a musical on stage and it was amazing!

It was a really clever adaptation of the film and it was so funny too, at one point I think tears were coming out because I was laughing so much.

Related: Women don't owe you pretty book review

The characters were fab too. Franklin Hart Jr, the misogynistic CEO of the company is definitely more exaggerated in the musical than in the film which really helped to get the point across of how women have been treated in the office compared to how men have been treated.

I'd like to think the way women are treated in the workplace has improved since the 1980s but there are still some improvements that need to be made in certain workplaces I would say.

The three women main characters are so empowering and it's great to watch their journey and see a happy ending for each of them.

There was a great balance between comedy, and also keeping focused on the serious themes of misogyny throughout. Every so often, Franklin Hart Jr would make sexist jokes about women to one of his male coworkers, Bob. At the end of the show, Bob then hit him back with my favourite line: "What do you call a female CEO? A CEO."

I definitely need to see more musicals, I always love them! So far, I have only seen 9 to 5, Mamma Mia, The Rocky Horror Show and Shrek The Musical - all of which were so good.

Related: A-Z of date ideas

Are you a fan of musicals, which is your favourite?



Over the August Bank Holiday weekend, I spent the Saturday and Sunday at Bournemouth 7s Festival. I had my ticket booked so long ago and was due to go in May 2020, so I felt like writing about my experience there.

Group of people at festival

If you have been following me for a while, you may remember that in lockdown last year, I tried recreating Bournemouth 7s Festival in my back garden.

Related: Throwing a festival lockdown party

Luckily I was able to stay at a friend's house so I didn't have to do any camping. I'm so glad, it was such a tiring weekend so I needed the proper sleep in a bed.

Day 1 

For day 1 my friends and I went out for breakfast so we could line our stomachs and started drinking pre-lunch time. No judgment here it was a big weekend! We had some more pre-drinks at the house before heading to the festival at around 2pm.

The queue for day 1 was pretty long as we had to show covid passes or test results, tickets, ID, and our bags all in different places.

When we arrived we tried out all of the different music tents and got the drinks in. The sponsored drink this year was White Claw, which I really think helped me out. Because it's a hard seltzer which is quite watery, it was so easy to drink all day and was quite hydrating. They were also not too strong so I didn't overdo it too early. Incidentally, water was £3 and these cans were £4!

The headlining act on day 1 was Ella Eyre. She was good but the main tent was so full and we were so far back that we couldn't really see that well and it was getting a bit crowded, so we ended up just going to an RnB tent which was so good.

Day 2

Again, we had a couple of drinks before leaving for 7s, some of us were more hungover than others (I am smug because it's usually me but I felt amazing - thank you White Claws). We left for 7s earlier and there was no queue as we all had wristbands by that point so got in a lot quicker.

We did actually watch about 5 minutes of rugby on Sunday, I know it's mainly for sports but I much prefer just dancing and listening to music to watching the sports (sorry!)

After that we did a bit of the Bingo Lingo which was good, my feet were killing from the day before and there was still so much walking be done so I was just grateful for sitting down really.

As for the rest of the day, it was pretty much the same as the day before, just going between tents and dancing listening to the different music.

We didn't end up seeing the headlining act, but I can't remember who it was anyway and the other tents had such good music anyway that it didn't really matter.

It feels quite weird now because that was the last event in Bournemouth that I'll probably go to for a while because I've finished uni there now. But I'm looking forward to more events in the future.

Have you been to any festivals this year?



This is a guest post by Caroline from Enviroline Blog.

This year is the year of the staycation. As annoying as it is that we can’t go abroad, it’s much better for the planet and it reduces your carbon footprint. Did you know that a flight from London to Rome produces 234kg of CO2? That is the same amount that the average person in Sierra Leone produces in a year! A flight from London to New York is 986kg of CO2, which is more than the average person in 56 countries use per year, including Paraguay. (figures from The Guardian

eco friendly shopping bag with recycle symbol on phone
Image by Ready Made on Pexels.

I don’t tend to fly because I really hate going on aeroplanes, but my parents and I usually take the ferry to France or Spain. The last time we went was 2 years ago, obviously not last year! Although I was very much into helping the planet, I wasn’t so aware of constantly carrying around eco-friendly alternatives with me. However, now there are 5 items that I always carry with me - as well as the obvious keys, phone etc. 

Tote bag 

This seems fairly obvious because you need a bag to carry things around in. I’m not really a handbag kind of girl, I’ve always liked to carry a tote bag. I love the fun messages they have on them! The reason why they are so useful is that they can fold down. If you are walking to the shops, you could keep your purse, phone & keys in your usual bag and fold down the tote bag to fit in too. I sometimes do this with spare plastic bags in my tote bag. 

Another great thing about tote bags is that quite often you can get them for free. If you are visiting a uni, most of them will give you a tote bag. Ironically I didn’t receive one when I visited Bournemouth Uni, which is where I am now! 

Reusable water bottle 

When I first decided that I wanted to be more sustainable, I decided to stop buying plastic water bottles. This sounds simple but I get thirsty very easily when I’m out and about. For example, I would be in town with my friend and wouldn’t be able to buy any water because I didn’t want to buy a plastic bottle. Sometimes I had to cave, I mean your health is number 1. Though, this is actually what forced me into remembering to bring a reusable water bottle wherever I go. I now take one with me everywhere! It doesn’t have to be a big heavy one because you can refill it in a cafe. 

Spare bags 

Carrying on from taking a tote bag with you, bring some plastic bags. Plastic bags are made to look really bad and as much as they are awful, if you have to buy one, reuse it as much as you can! If you throw it away because plastic is bad, it will end up going to landfill so much quicker than if you use it until you can’t. 

In lockdown, I quarantined my food or wiped the packages down with antibacterial spray before using them. I didn’t want my tote bag to be contaminated too, so I used to line it with a strong plastic bag. I did that for another tote bag too, for when I was having a bigger shop! Everyone has that bag of plastic bags, they are much better in use than sitting gathering dust. 


I would really recommend carrying a cutlery set in your bag. This could be a bamboo set you have bought from the shop or spare metal cutlery you have from home. Either way, it needs to be reusable so something that you can wash. A little bag to keep it in is useful too, so that it doesn’t get all dirty in your bag - pencil case size would be perfect. It still astonishes me how shops provide plastic cutlery in the ‘food to go’ section. Saying that, I have also seen bamboo cutlery wrapped in plastic! It makes no sense. I like to include a straw in mine too, some travel mugs include a straw hole so it would be very annoying to forget that! 

Having a reusable cutlery set is great if you are worried about the cleanliness in restaurants. I’m sure that they have a high standard of hygiene, but sometimes I just prefer to use my own. Just before the UK went into lockdown, I had my 18th birthday meal out with my friends and I was so worried about Covid, so I took my own cutlery along. It might seem a bit excessive, but it makes me feel safer. 

Travel mug 

A travel mug is a definite must. You never know when you are going to want a coffee. I feel like it’s just one of those spontaneous moments, like if you are out with friends shopping, I guarantee someone will want to get one. Even if you don’t, you could lend it to your friend so that you are still reducing plastic. I went to Starbucks the other week and was unsure they would let me use my own mug because of Covid. But, luckily they really welcomed it. I just placed my travel mug in one of their ceramic mugs so that neither of us touched both the mugs. It was a super simple process! 
Thank you so much to Lauren for letting me guest post on her blog! You can find me over at Enviroline Blog for more environmental posts, as well as mental health posts. 

What eco-friendly item do you always carry with you?



So I finally got round to reading Women Don't Owe You Pretty by Florence Given and thought why not share my thoughts with you? This is my first time writing a book review so I hope you enjoy and let me know if you'd like to see more of these.

First of all, the book was written by Florence Given, who is currently a 22-year-old writer, artist and influencer - the same age as me!

Women don’t owe you pretty book cover

What is the book about?

It's a non-fiction book that talks all about the different areas of being a woman. There are different chapters about relationships, body image, building an identity and the difficulty in doing this in a world rooted in racism, misogyny and sexism.

It is a mainstream dive into feminism and is easily accessible for those who don't want to read mounds of feminist literature but still want to learn about feminism and the need for gender equality.

The aim of this book is to challenge the ideas you thought you already had about the world, gender and identity. Due to studying a lot of the things the book covers at university, I already knew a lot of what was in it however, this book still taught me a lot and has changed my way of thinking even more.

Related: 5 books I wish I'd read sooner

Additionally, the book is filled with beautiful illustrations that Florence Given has created herself. At times, there are triggering subjects talked about such as rape or sexual trauma, (with appropriate trigger warnings in place) and these images just lift you back up after reading about these topics.

This book is definitely relevant at the moment, in a world where some people may even think what? Of course we have gender equality by now? By reading this book, you will know that we don't in this society still.

Women don’t owe you pretty book illustration

Should you read this book?

I would definitely recommend this book and I feel like this is an important read for everyone. I definitely learnt a lot and feel like everyone needs to read what is in this book. It hits you with cold hard truths that we all need to hear.

Related: The art of blog writing E-book

Have you read this book? What were your thoughts?


As a lot of people are travelling more now, whether that be around the UK or abroad, it's important to know what to pack. Many of us will be out of the swing of it due to various coronavirus restrictions on travel, especially abroad.

For this reason, I am going to share with you a few of my travel essentials. I usually try to pack as light as possible because I hate having to carry heavy bags when I go anywhere, so this will probably be bare essentials and I may miss some stuff out that is important to you. These are just my tips.

woman walking through airport with luggage
Image by Gustavo Fring on Pexels.

5 essentials you need for travelling

1. A separate purse or wallet

Now, this one is mainly for if you are travelling abroad and have different currency. I always like to take a separate purse for my holiday money or any holiday cards so I don't get it mixed up with my UK cash. You don't need to do this, I just find it easier and it gives me an excuse to have another purse. Also, if you have any tickets for anything you can keep them in the holiday purse too.

2. Miniatures

Having small toiletries for travel is so much easier as it takes up so much less space and you may only be allowed under 100ml liquids if you are travelling with hand luggage anyway.

3. Hand sanitiser

I mean this one really doesn't need an explanation but it's just essential to have on you at all times to make sure those hands are clean.

4. Portable charger

If you're like me, then you will need a fully charged phone to take pictures and videos of every waking moment of the holiday. It's also important to have a charged phone in case you need to call anyone or use google maps to find something.

5. Pain killers

Any time I travel, I seem to be cursed with getting a headache. Whether it's from getting up early, or maybe drinking a little too much while I'm away, I always seem to get one. So I would definitely recommend taking pain killers with you. I learnt this the hard way when I went to Mallorca a few years ago. I needed painkillers and they cost me around 5 euros on the resort when in the UK they are literally 40p.

So there we have it. Everyone is different and will have different essentials, and it depends on where you are travelling to as well. Obviously, if you are travelling abroad you will need a passport and boarding passes. If you are going on a long haul flight you will need different essentials - I may write a separate blog post on this.
What is one thing you can't travel without?


You might be thinking, what is a media kit and why I need one? Well, I'm here to answer these questions and give you some advice on creating one, and what to include.

What is a Media Kit?

A media kit is a document that bloggers, content creators and influencers use to show information about their platform. It's usually shared to brands so they can learn more about the creators they are working with.

Books on a shelf

If you want to work with brands, it's important to have a media kit that you can keep up to date with your stats. This way if you are emailing a brand to work with them, you don't need to send a long email about the views you receive on your blog or the engagement you get on your social posts. You can keep all this information in your media kit and attach it, such a time saver.

I used Canva to create my media kit and made sure the branding aligned with the colours I have used across my blog and social media channels to keep it all consistent. Mine is also only 3 pages because I feel like for now, that is all that's needed but yours may be more or less depending on how much information you want to put in. I would try to keep it to around 2-5 pages though, to try and be concise.

What to include

Here is a checklist of things you can include, you may wish to include more if you need to.

  1. A short bio about what your platform/blog is about.
  2. A photo of yourself.
  3. Who your main target audience is.
  4. Your blog and social media platfroms and stats - I just included followers on my socials, my blog views and blog domain authority, but you may wish to include social engagement rates too. Make sure these are up to date before you send it to brands.
  5. Brands you have worked with in the past. This is optional, if you are new to this you won't be able to add this just yet but it's just a good way to show your experience if you have it.

How to use it

The purpose of a media kit is to summarise your platform and also to pitch your brand to the person or brand you'd like to work with.

If someone asks to work with you, you can show them your media kit so they can learn more about you. Alternatively, you can email brands with your media kit and pitch to them. Pitching to work with brands is a completely separate thing, that I feel like I can't write a blog post on yet, just because I don't do it too often so I wouldn't be giving expert advice. Maybe this is one for the future when I start pitching more. 

What I will say is, it's definitely worth putting yourself out there to brands or even local venues that you'd like to work with. It has paid off for me quite a few times now.

Do you have a media kit?


Bit of a chatty one - I just thought I'd update you all on my life as I have finished university!

A few years ago, I wrote posts on applying to uni and wrote updates on how my first year was going, but since then I haven't really spoken about it that much on here.

So after 4 years of being a Communication and Media student at Bournemouth University, I have finally finished and I got a 2:1 overall with a 1st in my dissertation! I am now working as a Social Media and Communications Coordinator for the same organisation I did my internship with between second and third year.

I am so glad I went to uni it was such a good experience, obviously there were some downs but I wouldn't change it. I won't get into all of my highlights and lowlights for the year because that would take forever. Maybe I will do that when I am really missing uni but for now I just wanted to update you all.

Bournemouth university students going to summer ball

Related: Top tips for starting university

What have I learnt?

To be honest, I feel like most of the stuff I learnt was about adult life and what kind of person I am rather than academic. Obviously I did learn a lot about media too, I feel like I can never watch a film or read a newspaper article properly again without analysing every word or every scene. But reflecting back, the experiences I had will mean more to me than that kind of stuff (sorry lecturers).

It was a shame that Covid kind of got in the way a little bit of my final year but I have still been able to do lots of fun things with my friends. 2021 is definitely the year of the bottomless brunch!

Luckily, because I live an hour away from Bournemouth I can go and visit whenever I want and I will still have friends living there.

I live in a very small town where I'm never really pushed out of my comfort zone so uni really helped push me to make friends and put myself out there (usually helped by a little Dutch courage too).

Where do we go from here?

As I mentioned before, I am starting my career in social media marketing and I am really enjoying it so far. I'm really looking forward to see how my career goes too. At the moment I am still learning about it while working.

I've had a few questions about university and applying to jobs so if you want to know anything, please feel free to ask me. 

Related: 7 ways to enhance your CV

To be honest, I just can't believe uni is over it's so weird how quickly it went. I still feel the same age as when I started too, I feel like everyone says that.

It definitely feels like the end of an era but also not in some ways because I am still planning to keep in touch with all my uni pals as much as possible.



This post contains my monthly advertisers.

Welcome to another Meet My Advertisers post. This will actually be my last advertisers post for a while. I have started a new job after finishing uni so have a bit less free time on my hands so I want to focus on creating my other content and writing my weekly blogs.

I have loved sharing some amazing blogs with you and will let you know if I start my advertising service again, but for now this will be my last.

Anyway, keep reading to see some great blogs that you need to check out this month!

5 Blogs you need to check out this month

Lynn Mumbing Mejia blog logo
First of all we have Lynn Mumbing Mejia. Lynn is a lifestyle blogger helping you to create a cosy, happy life. She has lots of amazing content on her blog, but my favourite posts from her are her recipes!

Check out these posts from Lynn

Sunshine Sarah blog logo
Next up is Sunshine Sarah. Sarah is quite a regular on my advertising posts and if you haven't read any of her blog posts yet, you need to! This blog is one of my favourites as it really does bring a ray of sunshine into my life and Sarah is always so full of positivity. It's definitely needed when the world can be filled with a lot of negativity at times.

Start by checking out these posts

Enviroline blog logo

Caroline from Enviroline Blog is another one of my favourite bloggers. Not only does she have great environmental and mental health content, she is also so lovely and a big supporter of my blog. I always learn something new every time I read one of Caroline's posts.

Read these posts from Caroline

A cup of wonderland blog logo
Another great blog you will need to check out this month is A Cup of Wonderland. Hannah writes blog posts about reading and baking - what more could you want? If you want book or baking inspo then definitely head over to her blog.

Check out these posts by Hannah

Simply alex jean blog logo

Last but of course, not least, is Simply Alex Jean. Alex is a Canadian lifestyle and Pinterest blogger. If you need Pinterest help, then definitely check out her blog! I know I do.

Start by reading these posts

And there we have my July advertisers. I have loved sharing all these blogs with you, I hope you like reading them as much as I do. Again, these will be my last advertisers for a while but I will still be posting weekly.